
Monday 30 April 2012

Waterbodies - Biome

Wipro wetland

The Wipro campus at Electronic City (Bangalore) is currently saddled with a huge water demand. Part of the reason for this is a large artificial water body that they have maintained. Extending over an acre (4000 sq mts), this water body is topped up with tanker water to the extent of 20,000 litres a day.

Biome had already done rainwater harvesting in Wipro in 2005. Five years down the line, they have approached Biome once again to figure out if anything could be done about the water body. Mr Vishwanath suggested converting the water body into a natural wetland. This would incorporate different varieties of reeds and plants so that over time the water body may go from looking like this

To looking something like this

Pic: Narsipura tank at Vidyaranyapura

The idea behind the whole exercise is multifold
1. Reducing water demand: In a sterile water body, just making it look good is an effort since the water level needs to be constantly monitored. With natural growth, one need not maintain a continuously high water level. It is ok if this fluctuates with the seasons - it will still look fine.

2. Water quality: Currently there are water purifiers and aerators working furiously to keep the water clean. Inspite of that, the end result is quite sad with the water looking a dirty grey. Plants will use up nutrients present in the water and that will naturally improve the water quality. This principle has also been used in a Bio-Pool done by Biome.

3. Improved bio diversity: With the introduction of new plants, the campus can expect more birds and aquatic life.

We have begun by introducing some plant species such as
- Water hyacinth
- Cana
- Philo
- Money plant

These are mix of water based (hydroponic) and soil based plants.

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